Monday, August 23, 2010

A Day without Friens :dedicated to those who gave my life a whole new meaning.

Regarding my Re-location to pune from bangalore I was quite enthralled . Even I had started day dreaming much before . New friens, new office , new place overall a new adventure; all this was enough to cajole me , to tempt me , but the greatest thing was yet for me to realise. As the days, so was the life ,normal and easy going. Since we had already have our training completed , we had nothing much to do. And time was fun during those days . That week of seven days was really an unforgetable moment for me. I had everything, my freedom, my money, time and overall my friends , my life . Everyday ,every evening was a show time for us.
Photography , partying, carting and what not the crazy  we did .The whole of bengaluru was almost covered within these six days. Till the date I was in my world of fantasy, my dream . The day finally came when I had to leave for Pune. As there were few things left for packing and I had to leave as on 7pm the plan to Wonderland was cancelled and rescheduled, that we all b going for carting. None the words can describe the amusement , the time we enjoyed being together. But as the day approached I felt the heat , my world of fantasy, dream started shattering . I realised my guilt , my stupidity Ohhh!! God !!!!!!!! I can't bear losing my friens. But time is nowhere for anybody to wait ,it has lapsed; 'The moment gone is the moment lost' . I really felt like eating my words , my verbs as I was set to said goodbye.I was really praying in my god for strength & courage so that I maynot  break down there and equally cursing him for being so kind to me initially for having such friens. Now at this stage I feel that I really lack words to suffice those moments , those feelings. Someone has ever truly remarked, that the feelings of  love, emotions, & affection  hardly can any words describe. Those expressions can hardly b supressed, they are spontaneous. A life with friens is much far far better compared to a heaven where u need to spun ur thread alone.
A hearty Thanks to Lipi, Sri , Chinki, Deepak ,Piu and others for giving my life a whole new dimension & meaning.

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